Silicone rubber mold design process and the process operation
1.silicon rubber mold design tasks book --- accepted
The task of molding rubber mold workpiece by the workpiece designers often make the book, which reads as follows:
⑴ formal system of workpiece through Shenqian drawings, and indicate the grade plastic, transparency.
⑵ plastic workpiece specification or technical requirements.
⑶ production yields.
⑷ rubber mold workpiece samples.
Silicone rubber mold design task is usually written by a rubber workpiece craft molding rubber workpiece under the mandate of the proposals made, rubber molding rubber mold designers to task report workpieces, tooling design plan as the basis to design the mold.
2, silicone rubber mold design ---- the collection, analysis, digestion of raw data
Collected the workpiece design, molding process, molding equipment, machining and special processing of materials for the mold design to use.
⑴ digest rubber workpiece map of workpiece, use of rubber mold process of workpiece, dimensional accuracy and other technical requirements. Such as rubber workpiece shape in appearance, color, transparency, use of performance requirements is what rubber geometry, slope, inserts, etc. are reasonable, Weld, shrinkage and other defects allow the degree of molding, with or without coating equipment, plating, bonding, drilling and other post-processing. Select the highest dimensional accuracy of workpieces of rubber the size of the analysis and see whether the lower than estimated tolerance molding rubber workpiece tolerances, can meet the requirements of forming a plastic workpieces come. In addition, we understand the rubber gel and molding process parameters.
⑵ digestion process, analyze the process of forming the mission statement proposed method, device models, materials, specifications, requirements type of die structure is appropriate, could implement.
Molding plastic workpiece materials should meet the strength requirements, with good liquidity, homogeneity and isotropy, thermal stability. According to the use of plastic workpiece, molding materials should meet the dyeing conditions plated, decorative performance, the necessary flexibility and plastic, transparent or reflective properties of the contrary, bonding or welding of such requirements.
3, mold design silicone rubber molding method of determining ----
By direct pressure method, casting method or the injection pressure.
4, mold design silicone rubber molding equipment ---- select
According to the type of equipment to carry out molding die, it must be familiar with the performance of a variety of molding equipment, specifications, features. For example, injection machine, in specifications should be aware of the following: injection volume, clamping pressure, injection pressure, mold installation dimensions, ejection device and size, nozzle and nozzle diameter spherical radius, the gate set of positioning ring size die maximum thickness and minimum thickness, template travel, etc., at the specified parameters.
Mold dimensions to preliminary estimates to determine whether the selected injection mold machine to install and use.